I was so proud to see each of you this morning and I remain humbled to be given the chance to teach you and learn from you. I pray that each of you will be granted strength and humility as you navigate a "successful" week this week, day by day, hour by hour, opportunity by opportunity. Love you all, and I'm excited to see you next week, if not before... jeff
"we must not forget that each of us has freedom and power to make choices that can release holy and healing energy that points people to the hope of Jesus Christ" From LSMF Music in Time of Crisis, Dr. Charles Hulin IV
Bert Quote of the day: "God's Grace is irrevocable."
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
We are blessed and we are charged to disseminate that blessing to those around us.
Discussion went a lot of different ways today and man was I glad that we weren't sitting around a campfire in 40degree temperature with the kids' "wailing and gnashing of teeth". By the same token, the room has regained its reputation as the coolest class in the church. If it was more than 65 in there, I would be surprised.
Questions for thought/discussion:
Do you go "to church" or are you living your life "as church"?
Is HRBC an obligation and a duty for you, your finances, your time? ...or is it a place for you to be fed and sustained so that you can go out into the world and share your blessings?
Are you a member of this congregation, of your community? Do you give, or receive and in what proportion?
I pray specifically that you will seek to improve your life by giving your time, your money and your heart to others... not just HRBC, though that is a good start (just like Kindergarten).. but more importantly, to your wife/husband, your family, your colleagues at work, your friends, your neighbors and yes.. even to strangers whom you may never see again.
The blessings of giving will return to you, but the first move is yours.
Do you believe? Do you trust? in whom? yourself, God, your money?
Books I mentioned today: free to read on Google books...
Reaching out without dumbing down by Marva Dawn A Royal waste of time by Marva Dawn