Sunday, September 11, 2011

We will leave the door open for you!

Hi all, we are prepping to leave for Back to Church night at HRBC at the Prillaman house.  You are of course, invited and hereby reminded..If you are there, stop by and say HI!. even if you haven't been to church in months...  Hey, at a minimum, its free burgers.. ;-)  

It was good to be back in the saddle teaching this AM after a difficult Summer.  Lots of great stuff coming up for the FALL as Tayman and I will continue to share facilitator duties.. but we will always challenge you and yours to Think about what you Think!  It was great to have visitors today, as always..  

Challenge:  pass this email along to someone who would benefit from a vibrant, Life community rooted in Christ and practical study/application of scripture.. "in community"

Calling all Specific Beloved First Born Children of Christ..  You have a place with us.. and the door will be open..  

I'm also working on arranging some Google + "Hangouts" for midweek discussions… using computers…can't get more OpenDoor than that…  since we are all so busy and so many are teaching and serving in other places on Sunday AM.   

if you haven't set up an ID.. get it done.. not sure when the first one will be, but you won't want to miss out. CLICK HERE To GitRDone on Google+ --

Music like religion, unconditionally brings in its train all the moral virtues to the heart it enters, even though that heart is not in the least worthy.
    Jean Baptiste Montegut


If you are visiting HRBC on a Sunday AM here is an "at a glance" view of the Life Community which calls itself Open Door. We usually meet upstairs in the Wallace building "by the coffee pots".. but with us, you never know. Sometimes, we end up outside, in a park, or even at pool;-)

Requirements to visit/join:
  • Not really much, as we talk about the Bible and the implications of scripture in our daily lives, in plain english, no nonsense kind of approach.
  • Can't say that I regularly even take roll. We are there for one another, whoever is there, each week.
  • Bible knowledge not really required, this is an OTJ training environment.
Fun Facts:
  • We are interested in "churches without walls" but that isn't practical, so we always leave the door open. seriously...We talk a lot about going to people instead of asking them to come to us...still trying to solve this one.
  • We are the "coolest" class in the church. (especially in the Winter)
  • We actually talk about things that many people in churches just think about.
Who we are:
  • We are mostly married 30 somethings, 40 somethings, and 50 somethings. We tend to have children of differing ages in elementary school, but not necessarily.
  • We enjoy thinking about current issues, and talking about how to actively use the gospel in our every day lives/applications.
  • We aren't afraid to discuss and even question entrenched ideology and theology in a safe, inclusive, environment of friends.
  • We care about one another and we act accordingly, going beyond the "traditional" expectations. We strive to sacrifice for one another, to make a difference.
  • We ALL want to learn more about loving one another through regular study of the Bible, and further through regular fellowship and study. (in ecclesia)
Whose we are: GOD's period.
We are believers and searchers. A few of the favorite saying of Jeff are
  • "I don't know the answer, but I still believe"
  • "Every day is an opportunity"

"In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have."  Lee Iacocca