Sunday, October 25, 2009

Freedom: Gathering at HRBC through the Open Door

Today's lesson was challenging today, as you all know of my general disregard for the "institutional realities" of our modern church.  As I explored the ideas of church freedom I struggled to understand and ground my own freedom and responsibility to participate in the larger congregational polity of HRBC.  This was quite a stretch for me, as I tend much more towards individualized ministry goals. Below are the themes and ideas that I presented as we discussed. (for those of you who made it through the open door)

Church models:(membership)
  • Parish model: geographically aligned, baptism upon birth, closely linked to local gov't historically
  • Gathered church: choose to join, free will tradition
Church models:(governance)
  • Episcopal: leadership drawn from apostolic tradition, bishop, clergy
  • Presbyterian: leadership decision by council of elders, representatives, session
  • Congregational: leadership by democratic process, consensus, each member is unique and voice is critical to the "body"
  • Church is constructed and organized around a shared purpose, mission, vision. 
  • I believe that our purpose is to love and to model God's love for our community outside the church while embracing and inclusive approach to the world's diversity and the church's conflicts and messiness. 
  • That purpose must be active and outward facing, and cannot become consumed by self sustaining objectives. 
  • Church exists to support the congregation members as they perform ministry in community and in their communities.
  • Mission should arise from/out of the congregation, not be dictated to the congregation.
  • In dealing with conflict/dissent, polity and actions must NEVER cross the line to control, manipulation, or violence. individually, or collectively.
  • Respect for the priesthood of the believer must remain paramount. 
  • God empowers the called, he doesn't just call the empowered. 
  • Casual engagement, lack of passion and fear of dissent are the enemy of a polity built on the supremacy of the individual's worth.

Interesting to review the sequencing instructional parallels between 1 Cor and Romans in these passages:
  • 1 Corinthians moves from Gifts/Diversity to Love(Ch13), to Prayer/Orderly worship(Ch14) to Belief & Resurrection(Ch15)
  • Romans moves from Gifts/Diversity/Entreaty to Submission to authority(Ch13), to Relationships(Ch14), to Imperative to help others(Ch15).
Scripture references:
Romans 12
1 Corinthians 12
Acts 5:38-39  Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."

We need a faith community to sustain us and support us through the storms, and ambiguity of our daily lives.
We are needed within a faith community to ensure diversity of ideas, gifts, and blessings. A diverse community is capable of withstanding the onslaught.

The church must lead by example both inside and to a thirsty world.  Showing the Love of God in our actions. not just our words. as individuals and as a group... LOVE tells the success, not size of buildings, number of members, nor the depth of our financial reserves, nor the amount of giving.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bible Freedom

What does freedom mean?  
  • What is required to maintain it?
  • Is it the easy path?
  • What role does personal responsibility, accountability play in securing and maintaining freedom?
  • How are individuals responsible and accountable for those same ideas when they are part of a group. How is freedom for the individual secured by the control, governance of a larger assembly/body?
What are the foundations of our "lens" for freely viewing the Bible.  (People, Time, Culture...)
  • Others Views: history, scholars, commentaries, preachers, teachers...
  • My View: Personal study, life experience, meditation, cross referencing with other sources
  • Jesus Christ, our personal relationship
  • Holy Spirit, working within us, individually and collectively.
What do we do with the Bible after we interpret it "freely". Can/Should our interpretations change over time?

  • We control, and we choose to be prescriptive of actions or descriptive of actions. 
  • Control is applied individually or collectively how?
  • Do we use it to coerce others, under the guise of influence, manipulation, politics, leadership, and management? (Creeds)
  • Do we use it to build self confidence, self control, self governing actions which then showcase the righteous paths for others through results and actions. (Confessions, Statements of Faith)
How is it different when the bible is interpreted and applied to or for a group rather than an individual?

The reference scriptures are:

 Hebrews 1:1-2,
 Going through a long line of prophets, God has been addressing our ancestors in different ways for centuries. Recently he spoke to us directly through his Son. By his Son, God created the world in the beginning, and it will all belong to the Son at the end. This Son perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God's nature. He holds everything together by what he says—powerful words!
Hebrews 4:12-13 
God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God's Word. We can't get away from it—no matter what.