Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wishing for... Vision, Hearing, Discernment, Socks?

What did you wish for?
How did you decide what to wish for?
How do wishes evolve with maturity.. in age, in faith, in fellowship with others?

PEOPLE:  Elijah, Elisha, Obiwan, Luke,  Lone Ranger, Tonto, Batman, Robin - and that was just where we got started.
2 Kings 2: 1-14

Fun class today all.. I hope you will finish those wish cards somewhere and come back to them some day.  Believe that God will provide and answer you.

Here is what I remember.. 
Don't be afraid to ask God for something.
Look for yourself, believe for yourself.
Chariot of fire is a big deal.
"I run because God made me fast"
Embrace who you are, and your future, seeing every day as a chance to serve.
Think about what you will ask for when you are given the chance.
Future is assured when you accept Jesus as your savior.
Action is required on our part to "join the mission"
We are the champions. Act like it!
Believe.. Don't just believe in...

The future can seem overwhelming, but God will guide us one day, one step, one moment at a time...
God places people in our lives for a reason. Mentors, students, friends, family.
We are not irreplaceable and life will go on without us. Let go and pass your mantle/cloak on to others.
The future is in God's hands. It is enough to live faithfully into each day as it comes.

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