Sunday, May 4, 2008

in my name

Today was a hard one for me. John 14 is so central to everything that I believe yet it seems to be in almost total juxtaposition to my analytical, objective based perspective on "my" world. Perhaps that is exactly where my thinking falls apart. The world is not mine. Despite my knowledge, committment, talent, and focus; I am unable to control much of anything.

Deep down, I am Thomas asking Jesus.. I have no idea how to go where you are going.. The answer is within me, my Lord is keeping the channel open.. Sort of like a Nextel push to talk feature.. I can talk and ask anytime. The real question is will I.

Will I ask for help? Do I have the patience to wait for an answer in God's time rather than my own? When I am in trouble where is the line between personal accountability and a demonstrated willingness to ask for help, and trust that God will provide an answer?

This week there were certainly more questions than answers.. That is how it goes sometime. My answer: I don't know, but I still believe.

We spent a lot of time talking about what Jesus meant re: "Ask in his name" I hope you think about what it means to do something "in someone else's name" . For me it meant to ask for me, to act as my proxy. To do as I would do. (e.g. If I do something in Terry's name, it means that Terry must agree and wholeheartedly support it. ) I am acting in "one accord" as we talked about when we analyzed Acts 4. When we ask in Jesus name, it assumes a lot. Make sure you are asking for something in accord with Christ, and not just for yourself. When we join God's mission, all things are possible. I don't believe that all things are possible for me just because I want them.. for me, or even for someone else.

I would suggest that the more appropriate response to our study today is to show your love to those around you. Live in community. Seek to respect understand and embrace diversity of thought, idea. Remember that we don't have to have all the answers. Faith, Hope and Love.. And the greatest of these is LOVE. That is what Jesus did for us. He loved us, despite who and what we are. In spite of us, he acted "in our name" and took on sins of the world. That, my friends is a GOD size task.. and not something we can do.

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