Sunday, May 25, 2008

Unity doesn't equal Uniformity

BIG NEWS: All you can eat Meat night is THIS Friday night at Texas de Brazil.. yes that is this Friday.. Gentlemen, Eat a light lunch or save your money and just don't eat at all... come prepared for a fun night out with the guys.. if you haven't RSVP'd yet.. do it.. you won't want to miss being a part of this "EVENT" seriously, we will probably never be allowed to go out alone again so we need to make the best of it with our shot...
For the record.. All Open Door men are invited, and all Male Staff are invited.. although this might be a stretch for a vegetarian.. ;-) Sorry ladies, but this one is guys only...

Look for more "inclusive" chances in the NEAR future.. Like June 14.. Open Door invades the Park.. details from Tracee and Vicki

HERITAGE DAY next week.. NO EARLY SERVICE.. CLASS will start at 10am.. FOR REAL.. Seriously.. Not Kidding.. 10am.. Come, and bring a covered dish so we can eat lunch together...and worship together ALL together, one room, one time.. one congregation, one mind, one body..

John 17:22
Ephesians 4:1-6
1 Peter 6:8-11

we had a good time today despite our small numbers. I hope that travelers have a great weekend.

Tidbit:. only those raised Catholic or those teaching apparently come to church on holidays... or at least to Sunday School.. Mature Baptists clearly understand that this is a weekend to visit and travel. Our class was pretty uniform and unified..hmmm is that good?
Open Door today was 3 Baptist raised Catholic, and one Baptist who likes to go to Mass.. very interesting discussion..

The prayer in John 17 is boundless, baffling, and limited by language.
Love conquers all...seriously.. LOVE CONQUERS ALL!
We are one in the Spirit.
Focusing on what we believe will divide.. Focusing on who we believe in will unite! You Choose to include or exclude..
Unity doesn't equal uniformity
Diversity as an idea is easy to accept, as a reality, it is VERY difficult. Tactically it requires a lot of faith, hope and love.. mixed with gentleness....
Even though it is hard, it is required.. that we be inclusive, and not exclusive following Jesus' model.

MOVIE recommendation for the week:
Narnia: Prince Caspian

Why are we so afraid to stand up alone and seek God when he calls us?
Why do we trust more in our group, than in our Lord?

"not for your dignity, but for the Love of your people"..

If any of this makes or doesn't make sense.. then talk about it.. Call a friend, visit a neighbor. Walk, don't just talk!

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